Friday, 13 November 2020

Balloon races

 Balloon races 

Yesterday we had an opportunity to make some balloon carts/racers. Our class had to split up into groups of 2-3 people. We all had the same materials to try and make a balloon cart that would travel the furthest. Our group decided to use the meat try as a base. Then we used the bamboo skewers and milk bottle lids and wheels so it would roll along the concrete. Next we put a sellotape ball on the bottom of the meat tray to stick the balloon on. Finally we blew up the balloon and stuck it to the meat tray making sure not to let go of the balloon. When you let it go make sure that you just let it go and don't push it.  

Monday, 29 June 2020

Writing sample

This is my writing sample and rubric. Pink - Where I am now. Blue - Next steps. Orange - Where I put myself.